

I am now officially a sophomore. No, I am not confused as to the amount of time I have invested here at college (only one semester unfortunately), but I have enough credits so that when you search me on the go.gordon site you will see my full name and then "Sophomore." Not so cool is the huge picture of my face that comes up as well, but sometimes you can't help those things.
My ID picture that everyone can see...
I have so much to catch up on! I've been writing in my Creative Writing journal (required...and I can't write super personal things in it because we share in class. Not that I write really personal stuff here anyways). Anyways, I think I'll try to catch up by typing up those entries...


Interior decorator?

In the first few days that I was home this vacation, I decided that I was going to redecorate my room. It all started when I found Michael's cars stuffed under my couch and his Nerf gun parts under my bed (although he was unsuccessful as he tried to hide them, as my bed skirt was clearly tucked up under the mattress). So then I realized that my room, although clean and organized for the most part, is pretty much a storage area. In addition to this, my baby blue/teal painted walls are hidden as I'd tacked up so many of my art pieces over the past 4 years. In conclusion, I redecorated some walls, hung of Christmas lights (see previous posts for my newfound obsession with Christmas lights and the song that speaks of them), vacuumed up some nasty spiders and cobwebs, and put some up some wall stickers (TJMaxx, $8). Oh, and I also brought down some exotic plants from upstairs (unfortunately, I forgot that these require water so they died after the first few days, but after pouring in a few cups of water, I have since revived them! Now they are seriously thriving).



Do you not know?
Have you not heard?
The Lord is the everlasting God,
the Creator of the ends of the earth.
He will not grow tired or weary,
and his understanding no one can fathom.
He gives strength to the weary
and increases the power of the weak.
Even youths grow tired and weary,
and young men stumble and fall;
but those who hope in the Lord
will renew their strength.
They will soar on wings like eagles;
they will run and not grow weary,
they will walk and not be faint.


Forever can never be long enough for me

Here you go, Mom: the song you've been harassing me about, saying that I just have to listen to it. Well, I listened. And I LOVE IT. So thank you for giving me a new song to obsess over and causing me to endlessly rush over to my computer and press "replay." I've also watched the beginning of this video a million times too :)

Promise me you'll
 always be h
appy by my side. 

I promise to s
ing to you w
hen all the music dies.


So my brother is ten years old, and aspires to be a librarian (like my mother). I hope he always stays so darn cute, because if he doesn't I'll be severely depressed. A few hours past his usual bedtime of 8:30, I'll find him huddled in the corner of his bed, eyes glazed over, staring at a book that cannot be finished the next day, but rather HAS to be finished that night, no matter what the hour. While my parents holler from the downstairs living for him to turn the light off and go to bed I'm secretly cheering for him to drag out the ol' flashlight and resume his reading under cover. Why? Because right now (in addition to last night and the night before), I've been eating up books like there's no tomorrow. And I'm serious; I actually can't wait to finish it the next day! I've been obsessed with Emily Giffin books ever since I read Something Blue, Love the One You're With, and Something Borrowed this summer (My absolute favorite place to read is out on my front lawn, in my bathing suit, with some cool shades and a cool drink. This of course ends when a huge spider randomly scuttles over my exposed stomach. It is then that I pack up and head to the safety of the great indoors. Anyways, this winter break I've continued to plow through these books and I've successfully finished Baby Proof and I'm almost done with Heart of the Matter. Let's hope that I don't suddenly have the usual spark of enthusiasm and reckless courage to try and read 300 more pages tonight. Or shall I say, "this morning" as it is now 12:02 in the morning.


Oh, these times are hard. Yeah, they're making us crazy, don't give up on me baby

I heard this song on the radio a few days ago and I love it! My favorite part is the ending... I've been listening to it all morning. I do still love Christmas Lights by Coldplay, but unfortunately Christmas is over :( Although I do still listen to that song a lot (because I now have Christmas lights in my room!)


Megan the clown

Since I've been at college, my dear sister has stolen my job at the youth center. Thank you, Emily. Not only do I have a compulsive shopping disorder, but my unreliable source of income has been snatched from me as well. But today, she graciously allowed me to supervise a birthday party (my original job). In addition to taken over this simple 2+ hour task, she just had to add in another form of entertainment to the party agenda: face painting. Apparently this is included in the party package now as well. So while I was struggling to paint the "B" from the Boston Red Socks, little boys were snickering at my terrible attempts, I thought of you, Emily. Another challenge: skull with cross bones. Thankfully, the girls of the party just wanted simple hearts and rainbows.

Highlights of the day: got a $10 tip and the mother called me "a doll" :)


2010 in pictures

Now I know there's a lot of them, but I tried to cut out the unimportant ones (even though I love them all!). I'm not sure what happened between the months of February and May, but apparently nothing interesting happened as I can't find any pictures from that time period.

Christmas & New Year's with Andrew, January
National Honor Society ball, February
senior class trip, May
prom, May
Award's Night, graduation, graduation party! June
York Beach in Maine, end of June
Lake Winnipesaukee, July

Goo Goo Dolls concert, August 6th
hiking Mt. Major, August
apple picking, September
field hockey, October
Harry Potter 7 (part 1) with Olivia! November

Winter Ball, December