
Procrastination in the form of decorating

Instead of working on my horrid American Lit. essay right now, I'm going to show you about five thousand pictures of my room! Hooray. So on Sunday I woke up at ten, "cleaned" my room until twelve, had lunch, and decorated the crap outta my 20 square foot cubic space, stole Ashley's camera, and had a photo shoot with my clean room. Free time is my fav.
Trying to arrange some pictures

Jewelry that always falls down! 

Blueberry Muffin the Beta fish and his plant
View from my window!
Guppy (weird orange one) & Dalmatian Fish (spotted one)


Tweet tweet

I'm a tweeter now. I mean I have a twitter. So I tweet things to my 3 friends that also have twitters. I mean I I've only tweeted once but I think that once I get better at this twitting business I think I might be the best tweeter ever because I always have lots to say about myself. #exciting #popularnow #sortaconfused #stickingtofacebook #shortestpostever


Field hockey

...one of my favorites things in the ENTIRE world. Also, some of my favorite people.