
Tourist life: March 11-13th

Okay, so now I have to catch up on the last 3 days during my visit to Julie’s! We decided to step it up with the picture taking on Monday and Tuesday, but for Sunday we only have a picture of us after church in front of the St. Patrick’s Day parade. On Sunday, we woke up early to head off to Julie’s church which is in downtown Philly, I met a million of Julie’s church friends who all thought I was Lisa’s (Julie’s sister) friend because I was tagging along with Lisa while Julie was off doing important things at church. After church, the three of us headed off to Subway.

On Sunday night we did our usual dinner / TLC / hot tub / Dunkin’s / movie  / snack / bedtime routine, but we also had a bonfire at Julie & Devin’s house! So that was added into our scheduled activities.

We slept in late on Monday, made a picnic lunch and headed off into downtown so Julie could be a little tour guide and show me what the city is like:

Tuesday (today), is a very sad day because now I’m on a seven hour bus ride from Philly to Boston and my snack supply is running low. Thankfully, Julie packed her whole kitchen into my lunch box but it’s hour #4 right now and I’ve already eaten both of my sandwiches (one of which was supposed to be for dinner). I’m not sitting next to anyone because I strategically spread out all of my bags and sweatshirts the second I sat down. I then proceeded to pull out my laptop and textbooks for a “frazzled student” look. It apparently worked because now I get two seats to myself! Before Julie dropped me off at the bus stop this morning, we went to a park by her house to kill some time and enjoy the weather! :)

Exactly a year ago, I was at Anna’s house for spring break when we met up with Julie & Devin for a hike:


  1. wow how fun is that!?!?! omg you make me jealous, girl! have a great day!

  2. you are so cute!!! gahh i miss you!
    also, apparently i wasn't following you?? uh...awkward...maybe on my personal blog? but anyway i love your background, too! so pretty!


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