
How I manage to look cool in college:

So I woke up with a cold today I think, and I completely forgot to bring tissues with me to the Examined Life (just a super exciting philosophy class at 8 that's required...). In the middle of class I decided to get up and squeeze by a whole row of people (there aren't desks, just a big long table thing). So as if that wasn't a big enough ruckus, my granola bar wrapper was EXTRA crinkly. Then I felt a sudden urge to sneeze and I was trying to hold it in (which I did accomplish) but not without emitting a super loud and awkward hiccup/dry-heaving noise. Julie was sitting next to me and she told me that it sounded like I was going to throw up. Of course the class is always so quiet because everyone's still sleeping so NO ONE laughed but it was obvious that everyone heard it. My embarrassment just causes me to collapse in a fit of giggles as my face is getting even more red and Julie as doing the same thing, and as we try to contain our laughter we start shaking since we're trying to be quiet. Then my professor just has to call us out by saying "can I help you girls?" So awkward, but it makes a good story.

I don't have a picture of us in class but this is what we usually look like...

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