
My new clean room (No more mildew or turf grass)

Rachel and I decided to clean the room (even though at the end of each day it looks terrible again). We vacuumed for the first time this year... it was getting gross because we could feel stuff when we walked (mostly turf and turf rubber that I had brought back with me from field hockey. Somehow that stuff made it's way into the fridge). Even more disgusting was the shower, which we had never cleaned. So during this cleaning spree at 1 in the morning, Rachel decides to pick up our shower caddies which had been sitting in the shower and IT WAS ALL GREEN underneath them. I would like to say that we cleaned it up, but I mostly stood there and gagged while Rachel cleaned. I ddi run to get a paper towel though. Anyways... after a few loads of laundry and some dishes, our room is now spotless. Or it was for a little while.

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