
Dying in the stacks

Julie and I will most likely become Rec. & Leisure majors, thanks to our Intro to English class. Because of this class, we now know that our previous ways of writing good theses are now out the window. Right now we are happily sitting in the third floor of the library. It looks like it's meant to be a children's room: lots of old children's books, alphabet posters along the ceiling, and a tattered world map. Not sure where this room came from and why we've never stumbled upon it before... Although I would like to say that we are working on our research projects (in addition to Facebook stalking, blogging, and awkwardfamilyphotos.com), we have yet to make any considerable amount of progress.


  1. First of all, that picture is awesome. Second of all, you're going to do Rec and Leisure??!! Because I'm doing Recreation Management and Youth Leadership with an emphasis in Therapeutic Recreation, which is probably the same-ish thing!!? :] :]


I'd love to hear your thoughts!