
Day 9: Monday, May 30th

One thing I've learned from this trip is that my body is actually pretty impressive. I don't know HOW I've hiked so much for days at a time, in the woods, and without my usual diet. I could say that it's my perseverance and still, but I can't believe how my body has adapted to such new conditions without much struggle. I've definitely been challenged more in this week, in every way than I've ever been challenged before, but I haven't been starved (all the time) and sometimes I'm not completely physically exhausted as I would think I would be considering how much I'm doing. Today, the devo was about some lion shedding it's skin or something (from some Narnia book). This definitely seemed applicable as my skin is destroyed right now. I wish I knew how to change everything I wish was different about myself (not looks or anything, but things or traits I would like to improve upon). I would love to let go of my "old skin" and work on parts of myself that will make me a happier person. I know La Vida is helping me and continues to teach me, I'm just not sure how it's exactly doing that yet.

Personal notes:
So this is a typical lunch:
- 7 stoned wheat thins (on these crackers you can put any combination of peanut butter, hummus, strawberry or grape jelly, "freako-butter," Nutella, honey, or mustard)
- 1 slice of pepperoni
- 1 slice of cheese
- 1 fig newton
- 1/12 of a can of tuna
- 1/12 of an apple or orange
- 1/6 of a carrot

Today we got mini candy bars!!!!! Also, hot chocolate, apple cider, pink lemonade, Tang, Gatorade, scrambled gingerbread. Pretty much every dessert that was left over or we forgot to have before. I also had about 7 fig newtons today at lunch. So good.

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