
New book

So I just rolled outta bed and turned on the TV (something I don't usually do because the commercials frustrate me and I'd rather watch stuff online), and GLEE is performing on Ellen so this is pretty much the best morning ever even though I've been up for all of .5 seconds. So good. Anyways, I have a very exciting day today: pick up Emily from finals at 11:15, eat breakfast/lunch/dinner/snacks, lay outside in the grass while I work on my bronze, annnnnd start my field hockey workout YAY!

Yesterday, for father's day, we went to my grandparents house which was great. I got to eat a lot and read my book that Papa suggested. It's about this guy who hiked the whole Appalachian Trail and it's HILARIOUS. Seriously. I was reading our on their front porch with Emily and she was getting slightly annoyed that I was cracking up at every paragraph, and proceeding to read her the passage (or try to read it without laughing too much). Unfortunately, I'd have to read the funny parts to her twice because halfway through reading them I would remember how hilarious it was and then become incomprehensible. Ah, so good.

1 comment:

  1. hahahahahaa you are the hilarious-est, twin!!! :D


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