
Day #94 in Orvieto

May 27, 2013 - Monday

Last night, Sara came back from her weekend in Venice and Verona so we stayed up late talking about her trip because she had been gone from Wednesday to Sunday! So It was pretty hard to get up this morning because I was so tired from being up late... but that's my own fault because I could've gone to bed. In class, we talked about our poems that we wrote in Rome. I wrote a poem about Michelangelo's "Risen Christ" sculpture from Santa Maria sopra Minerva, but we didn't have much time to talk about mine in class because we were also still working on our poems about the duomo from last week. For homework tonight, we have to revise the duomo poems and then peer edit two of our classmates Rome poems.

We went to lunch and had some great pasta with mushrooms. I didn't even like mushrooms before I came here but everything takes good in a cheesy pasta sauce so I've learned to love them. After lunch, Ariel and I went to Caffe del Corso to work on our poems and use the Internet. I'm trying to plan out a few things for the summer and figure out my schedule for next fall, so I had to send a few emails, etc.

It was so sunny today which was great because it's been really cold and windy. After sending emails, I went for a walk around Orvieto and read a book (FOR FUN!) outside in the courtyard. Soon the afternoon was over and it was time for dinner. Laura, Jenna, and I didn't go to Locanda because Sara invited us to go out to dinner with her and her boyfriend, Ed, who's visiting from California. So it was nice to eat somewhere else for dinner because we don't often go out for meals in Orvieto! We went to La Palombra (not sure if that's how you spell it) but it was so fun and we even surprised Laura with a piece of chocolate cake. :)

The usual view from Caffe del Corso


I'd love to hear your thoughts!